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Self-Healing Spaceship Shielding Could Keep Astronauts Safer


撰文: Christopher Intagliata



It’s a scenario straight out of Hollywood: You’re up in a spacecraft, “you’ve got this capsule around you,” and a loose bolt, a piece of space junk, is zooming your way. “And it’s going really fast. It’s going to very likely pass through your spacecraft and leave both entry and exit holes. So all of a sudden now your atmosphere is rushing out those holes, and you want them sealed right away.”


That’s Timothy Scott, a polymer scientist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He and his team have devised a potential solution to this space disaster: a material that patches itself up, less than a second after impact.

以上的倒霉场景是由Timothy Scott设想的,他是密歇根大学安娜堡分校(University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)的聚合物科学家。这个家伙和他的团队针对这种太空灾难提出了一种可能的解决方案:一种可以在撞击后一秒内自我愈合的材料。

Think of an ice-cream sandwich. “The central part, the ice cream of our sandwich, is a liquid resin.” The cookie parts are sheets of thermoplastic. When a projectile—or piece of space junk—punctures the sandwich, it exposes the liquid part to the ship’s oxygen, which causes it to solidify, patching the hole.


The researchers tested sheets of the self-healing material at a firing range, filming the results with high-speed video. And indeed, the material worked fine here on Earth—but they say the findings will have to be replicated under pressure conditions like those you’d find in space. The results are in the journal ACS Macro Letters. [Scott R. Zavada, Nicholas R. McHardy, Keith L. Gordon, and Timothy F. Scott, Rapid, Puncture-Initiated Healing via Oxygen-Mediated Polymerization]

研究人员们在射击场实地测试了这些自我修复材料,顺便还用高速摄像机拍下了实验结果。在地球上这玩意看起来可以完成规定任务,但是他们说得在太空的气压环境下得到同样的结果才成。这些结果被发表在ACS Macro Letters上,感兴趣的话就看看吧。(Scott R. Zavada, Nicholas R. McHardy, Keith L. Gordon, and Timothy F. Scott, Rapid, Puncture-Initiated Healing via Oxygen-Mediated Polymerization)

The space station is already well protected by bumpers that vaporize particles on impact. But protection doesn’t come cheap. “It turns out that robust things are also very heavy. The intent of this is really to provide a backup that’s very low weight.” It costs some $10,000 a pound to launch equipment into space today. So a lighter weight material could save money—and lives.




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